The Question:
How come my Husband doesn’t divorce me even though he is living with his girlfriend?
Me and my husband separated a year ago because he cheated on me, and he believes that I have cheated on him (I really haven’t). Now he is living with one of his ex-girlfriends and she asked him to call me & tell me that he wants a divorce. This hurt me really bad because I still love him very much. Then he secretly calls back saying that he will never divorce me and that he will always love me. What does that mean? I wonder if he still loves me and wants to work it out someday in the future… any men have similar stories or might have an idea what he may be thinking?
My Response:
Dear in DENIAL;
I’m sorry if I am going to be blunt, but WAKE UP!!! He cheated on you and now he is living with an ex girlfriend, what more do you want him to do in order for you to realize that he is a looser? You deserve more then that, you deserve someone who will love you and not cheat on you, and please do not say that your husband truly loves you, because if he did he would have never cheated on you, and if he did he wouldn’t be living with his ex-girlfriend right now. Your husband is manipulating you, he has the best of both worlds; a wife at home waiting for him and a girlfriend who he gets to sleep with and live with. In other words… your husband is having his cake and eating it too…. I know….cliche metaphor but it is what it is. Don’t let him walk over you and stand up for yourself; if you want to make your marriage work tell him but honestly the trust is so broken that it is probably going to be a very hard road ahead of you to even try to fix things between the two of you. Respect yourself enough to not take such emotional abuse and Love yourself enough to know that you DESERVE BETTER!
kristin nicole
I found this question on <a/ href=””>
My situation in nutshell: Married 18 years. Not a bad relationship, but “became toxic and no longer viable” according to my husband. I agreed. He moved out 3 weeks ago and is now living with the woman I found out he has been having an affair with for at least 5 months. He hasn’t told me (I found out on my own); he has never used the word divorce (he calls it “this thing”) and he has never said “I don’t love you anymore”. I packed his stuff and told him to come get it. I consulted with an attorney so I know my rights and tucked that information in a drawer. I went through the hell of fire for a few days and it still hurts, I love him, I miss us and have come to this conclusion: I am going to work on helping myself by removing the baggage of negativity in my soul, and I will concentrate on what needs to be done later as I am the most important person in my life at this time. NOT for him, but for ME! and after this healing I will know if I even want him back in my life. My daily mantra is this…I hope for the best but am prepared for the worst.
My Name is Ms. path tom, I was married to my husband for 13 years and we were both bless with three children, living together as one love, until 2009 when things was no longer the way the was [when he lost his job]. But when he later gets a new job 6 months after, he stated sleeping outside our matrimonial home. Only for me to find out that he was having an affair with the lady that gave he the job. since that day, when i called him, he don’t longer pick up my calls and he nothing since to come out good. Yet my husbands just still keep on seeing the lady. Until I met a very good friend of my who was also having a similar problem, who introduced me to a very good love spell caster. But i told her that if it has to do with things that i am not interested, but she said that it has nothing to do with pay first. but the only thing he was ask to do was just to go and buy the items to cast the spell, and that was what she did. And she gave me the spell caster e-mail address and phone number. When i contacted him, i was so surprise when he said that if i have the faith that i will get my husband back in the nest three [3] day, and off which it was really so. but i was so shock that i did not pay any thing to Dr.Magbu but my husband was on his knells begging me and the children for forgiveness. This testimony is just the price i have to pay. This man Magbu is good and he is the author of my happiness.