American Music Awards…
So the controversy on the radio today was how ABC – The American Music Awards edited footage from the live version us East side folks got to see. The West side only got to see the edited version.
Adam Lambert’s show was a little more then what they expected, I assume. He did mention prior to his show that some people may have a problem with his show, and that he’s sorry but then maybe he just isn’t for them. He said he would feel discriminated against if they did edit his show because women have been doing exactly what he’s going to do on TV for years, and just because he’s a male doesn’t mean they should edit his show. Well Adam, was grinding with some men, and kissing some girls, who cares! ABC Cared! They edited his footage and the west coast only got to see the clean version of his show.
My thoughts:
GO ADAM! I thought his show was unique, and funky and crazy all at the same time. And yes it was a bit much for some viewers, but like Adam bluntly said, if you don’t like it then he isn’t the artist for you. Personally I agree with Adam, it is discriminatory to say he can’t grind up against men and women but women can do it to both sexes. I say go for it Adam, be who you are and don’t hide it.
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez fell, lets get over it. It’s all over youtube as if it’s this huge thing. She climbed up like 5 guys jumped off and slipped, it happens to the best of us. Well ABC also edited that out of the footage. That’s just ridiculous, but I guess if I was Jennifer Lopez I wouldn’t mind. Even though you can see it on youtube over and over again.
My thoughts:
Poor Jen…. I think she did a great job recovering and I felt so bad for her when she fell. Having danced in the passed I know how upset she must of been after the show, although I didn’t perform in front of millions of people nation wide. Ohhh so scary! But I think she pulled off a great show and I say DON’T WORRY JEN We still love you!
I also just wanted to say that all the performances were exceptional. Janet Jackson’s opening act was great, Black Eyed Peas, JayZ, Alecia Keys, Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson, Whitney Houston, wow the list goes on…. if you missed it, you missed an incredible show this year!
kristin nicole
Watch the undeleted uncensored Adam Lambert American Music Awards (AMA) performance of For Your Entertainment video plus view photos from his presentation here: