So as most of you know if you keep up with my blog, I am going to New York for the first time this week. I am super excited. I am almost done packing and everything. As excited as I am, I am very disappointed in the Airlines. American Airlines to be exact.
American Airlines
I had heard that Airlines were charging you to Check in one bag let alone every additional bag after that due to the Gas prices going up. I believe the gas prices have dropped and yet they keep charging you to check in a bag. I don’t think they should charge you to check in one bag. We have a right to at least check in one bag. If you want to charge me for an additional bag, even though I still think it’s ridiculous, then go a head. But I believe that we have a right to at least check in ONE BAG!!! Some airlines only charge $5 to $15 dollars per bag. Not American Airlines. American Airlines charges you $15 for the first Check in Bag and $25 for an additional check in bag. That’s only going ONE WAY! So round trip if you have to check in bags you end up spending an additional 80 dollars, on top of your airline ticket. That’s only for one person. So for example, my boyfriend and I are going together, we are only taking 2 bags since we found out about this charge, so that will be a total of 60 dollars on top of our airline tickets. I just don’t understand what I’m paying for an airline ticket for, if I can’t even check in One Bag?!? I am very upset about this, and I think next time I will definitely double check what the airline charges for check in bags, and I most likely won’t go with American Airlines again.
If you ask me, I rather you charge me 15 dollars more for my airline ticket then charge me for my bag when I go to check in. I feel like American Airlines is ripping people off…
What are your thoughts on this?
Kristin Nicole