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How do I get over a long term relationship (6 years) break up with kids?
Dear 6 year relationship,
Six years is a long time and you have kids together. The good thing is that you are still friends and you are doing this the right way for your kids. There really isn’t any good tips about getting over a relationship. Especially when you have children together and you have to see her almost every day.
Any relationship that ends is going to be hard. Time is the only thing that will help. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. Just try to stay busy. I am not saying that it will stop you from thinking about her but it will definitely help. If you aren’t ready for a new relationship that’s okay. You can start dating and getting to know other people with no strings attached. Hang out with your friends, go to the gym, just get out of the house. The more you sit around the more you will be thinking about her. It’s going to be hard and it is going to take time. You have kids together so you have to see her and that isn’t going to be easy. Try not to think about what she is thinking, if she’s the one who ended then more than likely she isn’t thinking about “the good times.” Trust me, time heals all wounds.
kristin nicole
Question found on Answers.Yahoo.com
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