Advice Column: We are both girls and I like my best friend. Image found on flickr.com
Advice Column: We are both girls and I like my best friend. Should I tell her how I feel?
I know I like her, but I don’t know how to tell her. Please help.
My Response:
Dear Gay Friend;
There are many things that can happen with this situation. It depends if your friend likes girls. Is she gay? If she isn’t then this can be an awkward conversation and you can take the chance of losing your best friend.
If she is gay, you are still taking the chance of losing a friend. You want to really make sure this is what you want, before you do it. If your friend doesn’t know you are gay, then this may be something you want to start off with. Think about it before you go through with it, because sometimes a friendship is way more important than trying to date a friend.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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