Don’t allow yourself to Break…. Do something about it…..
When someone you love is breaking and there isn’t anything you can do about it, it leaves you feeling helpless and useless. It breaks even your heart just to see them breaking. Sometimes I wish I could tell this person to wake up and smell the roses, life is too short to be miserable all the time, why are you choosing to live this way? But are they choosing to live this way? Is it a choice to be blinded by life and the changes we can’t determine in life’s path? When we hold hope to something important to us it sometimes blinds us from the truth. I’ve always said, ’the mind blinds what the heart doesn’t want to feel.’ Or does the heart blind us from what we don’t want to see. As much as we try to protect our hearts, we cannot fight the inevitable. What is meant to be is meant to be, and no matter how many wrong turns we make, you’ll end up just where you are supposed to be. We don’t see why things happen in the moments but we later discover that we had to go through them to be where we are today, to be who we are today. Everyone has regrets, it’s up to us to hold on to them or let them go, because we can’t turn back the clocks, we can’t change time and we can’t change the decisions we have made. The only thing we can do is learn from them, hope that things will get better, that deep down in the hearts of all desires our wishes, our hopes and our dreams will in fact one day come true. If we stay buried in the hopes of all things impossible you will lead a sad life. We have to lift ourselves up, find deep down what it is that will truly make us happy, and go for it. I’m not saying you won’t fail; sometimes we have to fail a few times in order to get to where we want to be. I know I’ve failed more than a few times at more than a few things. I get up and I keep pushing forward. I only hope that whoever is listening right now does the same…. Don’t let the fears of moving forward hold you down, if we don’t try to be happy, if we don’t try to do what we want in life, then we only have ourselves to blame for the sadness and tribulations we keep living over and over again. Because when life gives you lemons, you don’t just throw them away, you make lemonade. For me…. I MAKE A VODKA TONIC
Live life to the fullest, don’t ever let anyone tell you that you CAN’T succeed and don’t ever lose faith in yourself. If you are scared of being alone, remember that no one is every alone unless they choose to be alone, and life is too short to live not knowing what you want in life, to live unhappy and unsure of yourself, because at the end of the day all we have in life are the few moments that make us look back and smile, the moments in life where you say…. I loved that day, that moment, that minute, that second of my life and today I can truly say that with all the hard times, with all the tribulations I have come across in my life, I am still pushing forward, I am still trying to discover things about myself and I am still dreaming my dreams, and one day…. I’ll be LIVING THEM.
kristin nicole
hey Kristin, this was good 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Have a blessed day
kristin nicole