The Question:
I found out a day ago that I’m preggers. I’m almost 17 and I’m scared. I have no idea how to tell my parents or what to do. HELP!?
My Response:
Dear Pregnant Teen;
Be honest with your parents, lying only makes things worse, and the sooner you figure this out the sooner your relationship with your parents will grow. This is not going to be easy and your parents are going to be upset, and they have every right to be upset, you are 16 and pregnant and this is not going to be easy. You truly have to think about what you are going to do and if you believe or will consider abortion. I do not believe in abortion 100% but under certain circumstances it is necessary. You are only a child and you are going to be raising a child. A child not only involves your attention, it takes a lot of money, formula, diapers, doctor visits, insurance for your child and before that even happens you have to think about your doctor visits and how much that is going to cost. Is the father around, and is he even going to stick around? You may have to do this on your own without his help. If he is around it is not guaranteed that he will stick around after the baby is here. Waking up at all hours of the night and taking care of a child is not a game. Really think about what you want to do and go from there. Be honest with your parents, I am sure that they will help you with whatever you decide, but don’t think for one second they are going to be happy about this. You are their baby and now you are having a baby, and you have to not only think about this child’s health and well being but yours as well as your education and what you are going to be able to do to support this baby. It is a lot to take in and it isn’t easy, but these are the things you should have thought about before getting pregnant. Be honest with your parents is all the advice I can give on how to tell them, there really is no easy way…
kristin nicole
I found this question on
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