Update 12/05/12:
I have sadly not done much of the goals on my list. Unfortunately some take time and money and I have neither. I have accomplished a lot reaching my 30s. I have 15 days left in my 20s and I am very sad to see them go. My 20s have been filled with lots of emotions. I grew up a lot, I’ve learned life lessons, I have continued my education and I have found a best friend who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I’m not going to lie, turning 30 is a little scary. I always heard the older you get the faster life passes you by. I am truly starting to see that now. I am seeing that every moment counts, that we shouldn’t take things for granted and we need to express to those we love that we love them. I have encountered freedom, moving away from home thousands of miles away with no family but a true friend who till this day is my family. Yoli – You are my best friend and my sister, without you I would have not been able to survive Cali, and I will continue to love you and cherish you in my life. I miss you every day I don’t get to see you, and although we don’t always talk, you are always in my thoughts. With Yoli I gained a family. I gained three beautiful nephews that I adore. They are young men now and I love them dearly.
After moving back from Cali I experienced a life lesson some should never have to go through. Lost love and financial hardship. I pulled through and survived both. My families support helped me surpass what I thought at the time was one of the hardest things I had to go through. Then I found my best friend. My boyfriend has been there with me and has supported me going through school and finishing my Associates, Bachelors and now my Masters Degree. Although I didn’t get to finish my degree before reaching 30 I will be done by the end of next year, and this is an achievement to be very proud of.
I am now entering what they call “the prime” and although I rather stay in my 20s it’s looking like I don’t have a choice. For my 30th my boyfriend is taking me to San Francisco, California. I am excited to spend my birthday over there and see another one of my best friends. I have lost friends and gained friends, and although I have gone through struggles, I would not change one thing. Every hardship, every tear, every laughter and smile has made me into who I am today.
Let’s hope 30s are even better than my 20s. Let’s see what it has in store for me…..
kristin nicole
Update 07/31/12:
Sadly I have not done the ones that mean the most on this list. I have crossed out the ones that I have accomplished, and I feel I should change a few things on here…. Thoughts in process….
Update: June 2011
I have recently purchased a home with my boyfriend so I can now cross out a few things on my list before 30. The ones in bold were ones I had already done when I made the list and the ones with the line through them are the current goals I’ve achieved. What are your goals?
kristin nicole
30 Goals Before 30
30 Goals Before 30… Let’s just say I don’t have that much time, yet I’m willing to try and get 30 Goals done before I’m 30! I got the idea of writing out my 30 goals before 30 from a good friend of mine. As I was reading her blog on Clothes, I discovered another post she wrote about called “30 Goals Before 30”. I thought to myself… WOW What a great idea. So of course I asked Vanessa if I can borrow her idea and make my own 30 Goals Before 30 and she was more than thrilled to see what my goals are. If you want to check out Vanessa’s Goals you can visit her website Vanessa-Michelle.com.
So where do I begin…The goals highlighted in Bold are the Goals I’ve already reached and all the rest are goals I hope to achieve before I’m 30.
1. Go sky diving <– I would still love to do this… so maybe this will be a goal to do in my 30s…
2. Travel to one new State each year (So far so good)
3. Get a pet
4. Go to the Regatta (Lost that one, when we couldn’t make it)
5. Live in Downtown Miami
6. Buy a House with my Boyfriend
7. Get my AA
8. Picture Blog (365 Picture Project) – I better get started — EEK Not going to happen…
9. Sign up for a Professional Cooking Class
10. See a Vineyard (Napa Valley)
11. See SNOW
12. Learn to play the guitar <— This is my goal for sure….
13. Learn to play the keyboard <— we shall see
14. Visit San Francisco
15. Graduate with my Bachelors Degree
16. Make a dessert from scratch
17. Make my own recipe meal
18. Help give good advice to someone who needs it. (I would think I did this one.)
19. Go to Disney World (I’ve been to Islands of Adventure with my boyfriend but not Disney World). Does Hollywood Studios Count??? We should be going to Magic Kingdom before 30 though… heh – Whoot whoot, this was achieved. We just went for our anniversary 🙂
20. Go to New York and finish seeing all the things I missed the first trip. (I could have done this, but decided on Chicago instead)
21. Visit Seattle
22. Visit my friend in Louisiana
23. Go in a Limo
24. Be a Maid of Honor
25. Have a mango tree in my backyard
26. Grow my own vegetable garden (Eventually but don’t think it will happen before 30 – although my boyfriend and I did have a basil tree grow) <— working on it…
27. Design my own house (Not exactly the house but a lot inside)
28. Finish the transition from Soapnights to KristinNicole.com <– Okay this is not my fault, this is my bff’s fault.
29. Write a Book (in the works) – Not going to happen before 30…..
30. Someone to discover me and have my own column so that I can work from home and travel.<– working on it.
These are my 30 Goals Before 30 – Some of them I have already achieved and some I am currently working on. You never know where life will take you but you can make choices in life that can lead you to where you want to be. Be positive and good things will always come your way.
kristin nicole
Hi Kristin, I am so proud of you that after reading what you wrote, made me very emotional in a happy way and I had teary eyes. I love you very much and wish for you and Tony the best. We will always be here for you both. Love you Mom and Dad. Happy Thirtys
Thanks dad… Love you too