The Question:
I get cheated on, the I love you but not in love with you speech, have to deal with him moving out, all the pain and what is he doing?? Getting a “great” new place to live…
Posting on FB obscure stuff like “waiting, hopeful, ready, wondering”. I don’t know if that is in regards to a job promotion, getting his new place, the married girl he is “seeing” or what.
I know! I am not supposed to look. I have been so good with no contact. But, tonight all alone and hurt– and he is out and about and happier than ever. Is that real???
Has anyone been through this? How do you deal?
And is it a little disrespectful, it has only been 3 weeks! Why would you post things like that? And he wonders why I wont respond to him.
My Response:
Dear Dumped;
Break ups are never easy, especially when you are the one being dumped. There are reasons we’ll never understand of why men do the things they do or say the things they say. You have to just take it as it is, and it’s not easy. First stop looking at his Facebook status you are only torturing yourself and it is not going to make it any easier. He left you to move on with his life so that is what he’s doing, if he cared at all for you, if he truly loved you he would be with you. He was honest with you and at least you have that. Trust me what goes around comes around, he’s with a married women, more than likely it’s all fun now but in the end it most likely won’t work out and he’ll be lonely wishing he would have seen what a great women you are. Or he can turn around one day and know that he did the right thing by leaving you, and you’ll realize it too, that in the end it’s always meant to be. If someone doesn’t love you, if they aren’t truly 100% in love with you, then you don’t want that person to pretend, you don’t want them leading you on into thinking you have a life together when all along they aren’t even happy, trust me that’s much worse. I do think it’s disrespectful that he’s moving on so fast, considering you lived together, but that should only show you the kind of man he really is. Get out there, stop looking at his posts on Facebook and start making your own posts. Be positive, stand strong and I know it hurts now, but it will get better. Go out with your friends and get your mind off him, move on….Start new…..
kristin nicole
I found this question on
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