Sick all the time? I know I feel like I’m sick all the time. I just got the tonsillectomy to help prevent me from getting sick all the time and just as I’m just starting to feel better, BAMB! I’m sick again/already.
Getting sick…
I feel like I am stuck in this place where you can’t help but get sick, and no matter what you do you’ll just be sick. If it’s not a cold, it’s the stomach, if it’s not that it’s the throat. This time my throat hurt the only difference I didn’t have my tonsils in the way of getting swollen this time, but never the less, still hurt. My nose is stuffy and I just feel crappy. Now I am starting with that dry cough. Great that’s all I need.
Doom & Gloom
Okay so I am a little bit of a doom and gloom kind of girl today. I can’t help it though I feel like crap and I had to come to work because I hate to be missing so many days especially after I missed days with my surgery. Lucky for me though it’s slow this month so I haven’t really missed much while I’m gone. Point though, is that I hate missing, looks bad. So I’m here, with meds on my desk, and tissue paper and water. I look like a little viejita. Wonderful!
Any remedies?
I have been taking airborne and Mucinex along with vitamins. My boyfriend brought me some of his vitamins from the Animal Pack. I hate taking those horse pills, but if I can get better faster, Bring it on! Today I’m trying zicam since I ran out of airborne, they are pretty much the same thing. I just need something to work, and fast because Saturday I plan on going to the Fair, to eat and watch the shows. I need to eat! If you aren’t from Miami, I am not sure if you have an annual fair that comes once a year, but this is it. I have been waiting and my boyfriends been waiting for the elephant ears for a year now. I must go. SO…..
Think Positive
Thinking positive. Feeling good, feeling great. This weekend I’ll be ready for the Fair.
Wish me luck folks…..I think I’ll need it.
Kristin Nicole
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