I haven’t written anything in a while, I have been trying to come up with things to say, but lately I have felt overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes when you are so frustrated the words just don’t come out. I’m not sure if I’m angry with the situations that have come or if I’m just tired of them. Sometimes it would be easier to just pick up and walk away, but sometimes that isn’t always the answer.
On top of the drama, I have had good things happen within the last few weeks. I finally got my Bachelor’s in Psychology (whoot whoot). And now I am taking a small break before starting my Masters Program. The masters program is an accelerated course, so I will get my Masters in a year. It will be very stressful and a lot of work, but I’m hoping it will be worth it in the end. Living in Miami it’s hard to find your way into writing/editing. Many freelance jobs do not offer that much pay. Unfortunately I have to work full time, and with that comes bills that need to be paid, I can’t just pick up and leave to work for an intern position to get that experience on my board. I have to work with what I got. I was grateful enough to know a beautiful friend of mine who helped me get an internship, working from home, so I was able to get extra experience on my board right there. I feel though, that it just isn’t enough. You would think Miami being one of the biggest cities there would be more opportunity out here, but unfortunately I see it more in New York or California, I’m not one to turn any of those options down, I love both states, however; it’s hard. My family is here in Miami and my boyfriend and I have a beautiful home we have been fixing up, it wouldn’t be easy to let that go (and I would need for my boyfriend to come with me), but these are all options that have not come up at the moment, so options that need no worry for the time being.
I like to think ahead though, and thinking ahead sometimes causes me to stress. I need a vacation. I’m looking forward to my second visit to Chicago this month. I plan on taking lots of pictures and sharing a few on here. I want to start taking more pictures, it’s relaxing and I enjoy it.
Well I know I’ve been rambling, so good night for now.
kristin nicole
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