Online Classes:
You take online classes, or at least I do because it’s easier for us folks who have to work Full Time Jobs. Online classes you can log on when you can, you do have a little more reading to do and probably a few more writing assignments but you have a due date, and you can log on and do your work at your own pace vs going to a campus, having to wait for class to start, going to night classes because you work full time and then coming home late only to eat and go to sleep and start your day over again. Online classes helps me organize my time, it allows me to have time to spend with family and friends, it allows me time to work out during the week, and if I have something to do that day, I don’t have to worry that I’ll be missing class.
Proctored Testing:
Some online classes require you take a Mid-term or a Final exam on campus. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m taking online classes because I don’t have time to go to the campus to take classes, so now you are telling me I have to go take a test on campus? Okay fine, I guess I have no choice right?!? So, I call the campus to find out how I set up a Proctored test since this is the first semester that I have two classes that require these tests and I find out that the proctored tests don’t need to be set up, you just walk in. Great, that seems easy enough. Wait?!? I’m not done…. Proctored testings are Monday through Thursday from 8:30am – 4pm and Friday’s from 8:30am – 1pm. Do you see where I’m going with this? I WORK FULL TIME! Did they not get the point of most people taking online classes? So now I have to either take a day off or take time off from my day to go take a test. WONDERFUL!?!
My thoughts:
Well I think you pretty much got my point here right? I’m not happy! My final exams, I have two classes that I’ll have to go to campus for, so do I take both of them on the same day, so that I don’t have to ask to leave early more then once in one week? Now I’ll have to make up my time at work so that I can make this happen. Boy what a mission! Can school be any more difficult?
Sincerely yours,
kristin nicole
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