How The Miracle Morning is changing my life

How THE Miracle Morning is changing my life
I recently started reading the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I’m not going to say it’s changed my life and that my world has done a 160, but I’m definitely feeling motivated for change. Then again I just started the miracle morning 6 days ago. It is definitely still hard to get up in the morning as I have always considered myself to not be a “morning person.” A mom who I know through social media recommended this book. It sounded really good so when I read the first 2 chapters (which are free on Kara at I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to introduce her to you and also use this lovely photo and title. On her post she reviews the book. I would totally check it out if you want to get more than just my opinion on this.
“Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become” Hal Elrod
I am now focusing on waking up earlier and bringing more energy back into my life. Since I have had the baby I feel a lot more anxious and I get irritated easily. Apparently this is “normal” for some women after having a baby. My son is a year old and I haven’t felt any better, so I definitely feel there is a change needed in my routine and my life.
I finished the book today, which by the way I recommend reading more than once. If you’re like me, you can’t concentrate long enough to grasp every word in a book. As I read my brain doesn’t shut off and I’m constantly thinking while trying to read. YES, its as challenging as it sounds. So, although I have read the book and I’m all in on trying this ‘miracle morning’, I need to read it again just in case I missed a few things.
Hal recommends you put your alarm clock away from your bed so that you are forced to get out of bed and not hit the snooze button. I have to admit, I have hit the snooze button each time. I set my alarm clock for 6:45am and I don’t get out of bed until 7am. I still don’t think that’s too bad, usually I would turn it off and sleep until my little one wakes me up, which is anywhere from 7:40am to 8:30am on a good day. And even then, I still wake up sleepy. On another note; this may have something to do with my thyroid but I haven’t made it out to the doctor. That’s another subject for another day.
“Every day, think as you wake up, ‘Today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” – Dalai Lama
These are one of the many inspirational quotes in The Miracle Morning book. I love reading these inspirational quotes. They truly get you inspired to do better. The problem with these books is that you get motivated for a little while and then we forget what it was all about. This time I feel like I really want to stick with it. Waking up earlier with my husband has given us more energy. We are already feeling like we have more use of our day. My husband works from home so although he wakes up relatively early this is giving us an hour before starting our day to relax and meditate. We are even getting a little exercise in. This is all part of the miracle morning routine.
Hal teaches you to make your own routine. So far I am following his because I find it to fit me. But you can definitely change it up to fit your life style. This is my morning routine so far:
7am – Brush teeth and wash face
7:10 – Drink 1 glass of water while I make my coffee
7:15 – Sit on couch, crossing my legs and get ready for a 5 to 10 minute meditation session. I am still working on this. It is hard to shut off the mind and think of nothing. But I have to say it is nice to hear the silence in the house before my little one wakes up.
7:25 – Affirmation – Repeat something positive. Something you want to improve in your life.
7:30 – Visualization – Visualize your life and where you want it to be – this is fun for me. I love to visualize what my future can have.
7:40 – WORK OUT – I like to add a little yoga in my routine with some crunches. I kind of make up my own thing, but you can definitely hit the gym or pop in a dvd.
7:55 – Write – I write in my journal how I woke up feeling so I can see how I am progressing using the miracle morning
8am – If my son hasn’t woken up yet I try to get a few minutes of reading in. If he is up then I try to read during one of his naps or before bed time. But MAKE TIME for this. It’s important to expand your mind and take a break from everyday life and television.
So this is my routine so far. I may change it up and if I do I will let you know. I’m just getting started. I’m learning what works for me and what doesn’t. I will follow up with you in a few weeks to let you know how I am doing and how I am feeling.
“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams” – Hal Elrod
xo, kristin nicole
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