Oprah and Ellen on One show!!!
I didn’t get to see the entire show because I have school but I saw a few clips and I’ve been hearing about it non stop. Some people say that Ellen is competition for Oprah. They are even on at the same time. So are you wondering how Ellen filmed her show and was on Oprah all at the same time? Well she pre-filmed her show and then headed over to the Windy City to be on Oprah. On Ellens show she was watching herself along with a Michael Jackson dancer, Chippendales/showgirls/opera singer/guy in panda suit, girls from the audience playing a board game, George Lopez, Robin Wright, Ellen giving a struggling mom in Georgia money to pay her rent and bills for a year, and the mom flipping out and naming her baby Ellen. All this in one show… WOW~!!!
Mean while, on Oprah, Ellen took her wife on the show and talked about their marriage, and she was oh so Funny Ellen. They have a clip of Ellen and Oprah signing Oprah’s O Magazine. This is truly funny to see. Ellen says she doesn’t feel like she is competing with Oprah but she is on two shows at the same time she says, so she is winning LOL.
Personally I haven’t really had time to watch Oprah and fall in love with her, I have seen some episodes when I’m off work sick, but honestly since Ellen came on when I get a chance and I actually have time, I love to watch her. Her little dance in the beginning and just the over all ELLEN!
kristin nicole
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