This article is fairly old, my boyfriend sent me this website a while ago, talking about a women who finds out her boyfriend watches porn on his computer. She gets upset at first and has questions as to why he has porn in his computer. Can it be that he’s not happy with their sex life? These questions often come to mind for women, because we don’t understand why men like it so much and why they sometimes feel like they need it.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m sure a lot of women out there think this way also. Are you ready for this???
I always just assumed that all men have at least seen one porn in there lives. Don’t be shocked ladies, of course they have, and if they tell you otherwise they have to be lieing! Even if you don’t think your boyfriend does this, wouldn’t you assume that he at least has seen one in the past? We has women I think stay in denial that our guys like to watch this kind of stuff. Just like some women say, that their boyfriends never look at other girls in the street. Of course they do! Don’t act shocked, it’s nature. If you see a hot guy, wouldn’t you at least glance at him? It’s normal, now of course we don’t want them to be drooling over another girl when we are right next to them, there’s a limit MEN!
On another Note
I can understand a women getting self conscious or jealous of your boyfriend/husband watching porn. Because why do they need to watch other women going at it, when you are there when they need you to be? I’m not a man, but I can just imagine that it doesn’t have anything to do with you. Sex to men is just that, SEX. And watching someone else doing it on TV just turns them on in a different level, with no emotions attached. This doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.
Have you as a women watched porn before? Maybe you should try it. Maybe you would surprisingly like it. Never say Never ladies. This might be another way to spice up your sex life. Not every man likes this though, most men I have spoken to rather watch porn alone. It’s more of a case of (My girlfriend/wife isn’t home and I’m horny, why not?!) situation. But some couples do like to watch it together.
Remember men will be men
Don’t get angry if you do find that your boyfriend/husband watches porn, maybe if they felt you were more open about it they wouldn’t hide it from you. Remember ladies, men will be men!
Let me know what you think about this? Do men prefer there girlfriends/wife to watch porn with them? Or by themselves? As a women would you be willing to try watching porn with your boyfriend/Husband?
~ “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.” -Anonymous
Kristin Nicole
If you want to read what she has to say Click HERE.
Porn FTW! Seriously, porn is just porn. Some women take this stuff way too seriously. Besides, if there wasn’t any porn, I’m sure a LOT of more guys would cheat. Porn eases tension and the desire to fool around. Plus it’s healthy (unless you’re a chronic pornologist).
For the women (and men!) out there: Whatever you’re not willing to do, someone else is. So if porn makes your significant other happy for a moment, then go with the flow. If not they’ll find someone else that does. There’s obviously a limit to everything but you get my drift.