The Question: Am I being paranoid? My girlfriend has cheated on me before, recently she went out with a co-worker, ignored my calls and didn’t get home until 1:30am.
She’s been unfaithful before and she said she doesn’t know why she did it. She met a guy from work at around 5:00 pm and didn’t get home until about 1:30 am, she ignored my texts the whole time. She talked about the windows of his car getting steamed up and misty so I’m thinking there’s something happening? He’s a guy from work that I’m pretty sure she mentioned him telling a co-worker that he has a thing for my girlfriend, but I’m not sure. She also said I can’t meet him because “it would be awkward.”When she last cheated on me, she told me the day after but she didn’t tell me the whole story until the word got around the whole college, and back to me. [sic]. She has then promised that she’d tell me everything and she’d never do it again. She also said the other day after arguing about being with me, “I don’t know what I want.” [sic]. I feel like I’m in love with this girl but she doesn’t seem to care about my feelings. Whenever I hint about me asking if she’s cheated she just says bye and ignores me and gets annoyed with me. [sic]. Someone please tell me what this means, am I being paranoid?
~Being Paranoid
My Response:
Dear Being Paranoid;
This isn’t called being paranoid, it’s called being in denial. She’s already cheated on you once, and now she goes out with a guy from work, ignores your calls, and tells you to your face that the windows were steaming? There is something very wrong with your girlfriend, it seems to me that she’s trying to get some type of rise from you.
Why would you tell your boyfriend that you went out with a co-worker, the car windows got steamy, but then try to act as if nothing happened? The first time she cheated on you, that was the red flag to get out. You should have respect for yourself and you shouldn’t be with someone who obviously doesn’t care for you. If this girl loved you the way you love her, she wouldn’t have cheated on you the first time, and she definitely wouldn’t be going out with a co-worker and ignoring your calls.
Another hint, is the fact that she doesn’t want you to meet the guy. Don’t you find this odd? The other guy probably doesn’t know she has a boyfriend, so meeting you would ruin whatever she has going on. You have a few choices, leave things alone and stay with her, always wondering if she’s cheating on you. You can just show up to her job and introduce yourself, see how the guy reacts. Or you can take the high road, dump her a$$, have respect for yourself and find a girl who will truly care and love you in return.
kristin nicole
I found this question on
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