The Question:
I was sleeping with a married man. I told his wife, and at first she was super nice with me. Then a few weeks later she turned on me. I forwarded her all the emails, text messages and she was so thankful. Then out of the blue started snapping at me. She now blocked me from everything. Her and her husband deserve each other. I should have never gotten involved in this craziness.
My Response:
Dear Other Woman;
Do not let this bother you so much. You did what you think was right, and you thought she would be grateful that you told her the truth about her husband. You have to understand that maybe she’s grateful in a way for you telling her that her husband was cheating, but at the end of the day when she started reading all the texts, and emails and realizing that her husband betrayed her with another women, and that YOU ARE THE OTHER WOMAN. No matter what, at the end of the day you are that one person that made her world fall apart. I am not sure why you decided to tell his wife about your affair, did you know he was married when you started having a relationship with this man? If you knew he was married, then it was wrong on your part on all levels, (and telling his wife about the two of you was more likely a way to get back at him for him not leaving his wife); if you did not know he was married and it was just as much as a shock to you as it was to his wife that he was cheating, then you did what you thought was right and now you just have to move on. Don’t let her being upset at you get you upset, it’s natural for her to be angry at you, even if you told her the truth about her lying, cheating husband. Move on, and find yourself a real man, one that isn’t married.
kristin nicole
I found this question on 2010
Out blog is against cheating so in my eyes this is just a perfect example of the consequences that could arise from a horrific situation such as infidelity. No one ever wins and when will people ever learn?