The Question: Should I marry him?
I am supposed to get married next year and a few months ago I have been having many doubts about my future with him. He doesn’t like going outside, he spends all his time on the laptop, playing darts or at the gym and I barley get to see him. I feel as though he prefers not spending time with me or our son, and that we have nothing in common. I quit my job and moved 23 miles away from my family and friends for him and I don’t think he understands how much I have actually sacrificed. Is this cold feet? Am I making stuff up or should I really not be with this person? We have good times together but lately I have been feeling very alone. Should I marry him?
My Response:
Dear Confused;
I think there is cold feet when committing to someone in a marriage, but it usually involves just getting a little scared to spend the rest of your life with someone. It sounds like you are unhappy. You should definitely think about what you want. You don’t want to marry someone if you aren’t in love with them. If you really love him, then you need to talk to him. I’m not sure how old you are, but it sounds like your boyfriend is very immature. If you have a child together, he needs to be more involved. Definitely don’t marry him just because you feel obligated. Marriage is a commitment and you should be 110% sure before you go through with it. If you don’t have an exact date set, then I would wait. Talk to him, and try to work things out if it’s what you really want. But it sounds to me like you may already know what you want, you just don’t want to see it. Good luck.
kristin nicole
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