Advice Column: Do I just pass by his house? Image found on flickr.com
The Question: Do I just pass by his house?
I’m supposed to be seeing my boyfriend today so he can help me move some furniture to a friend’s house. When I was at his house on Wednesday, he told me to come back Friday and he’ll help (I have to go pick him up because his truck is broken) but his phone hasn’t been working right for a few weeks so I can’t get in touch with him. I usually ask before I go to his house out of respect and to be sure he’s not busy. Should I go over there today anyway even though I can’t get in touch with him? I don’t want him to be mad at me for just showing up but he did tell me he’d help on friday (today) please help!
My Response:
Dear No Contact;
He’s your boyfriend, I understand calling before going over but if you have no other way to get a hold of him and he already told you he would help, then I see nothing wrong with just showing up. He honestly should have called you. If he knows his phone is broken and that he was going to help you then he should have found a way to contact you. Does he not have a landline phone? I know many people now a days don’t, but if that’s the case then he really should get his phone fixed. Does he live with someone? Because he can always borrow theirs to get a hold of you. On that note: Like I said, I think it’s find in this circumstance to just pass by. There really shouldn’t be a reason for him to get upset, and you shouldn’t be so worried. Worst case scenario, he gets upset, and then he gets over it. \
xo, kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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