Coming out to my parents. Image found on Flickr.com
The Question:
I’m a 14 years old boy. I feel trapped in my own house. I can’t act like myself around my family. Ever since I came out as gay to my parents, my mom has been calling everything I do “gay.” For example, I was listening to my Ariana Grande album and my mom said it was girly and to turn it off. My dad made me change and wouldn’t let me wear skinny jeans to school. They are trying to change everything about me. My mom said “gay is not gods way.” and my sister constantly calls me a fag. They even make fun of my voice. I try to talk deeper but it’s so obviously fake. I can’t help the way I talk 🙁 It’s so hard living like this. Advice please?
My Response:
Dear Coming Out;
It hurts me to hear what you are going through. It’s a hard to come out to ones family and then to be called names and constantly being told what you do is ‘gay’ is just wrong. Try sitting down with your parents again and try to explain to them how you feel. If this still does not work try talking to a counselor at school. Do you have other family that you can talk to? If you do and if they are accepting with who you are then talk to them. See if you can spend more time with them and less time at home until your parents start accepting who you are. It’s not easy for parents to accept their child is gay but it gives them no excuse to treat you the way they are treating you. Talk to your sister and tell her how you feel, what she is doing isn’t nice and she needs to understand that. I hope things get better for you at home, but don’t ever give up on who you truly are. Be proud and stand tall.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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