Advice Column: Why don’t I want to be in a relationship? Image found on flickr.com
The Question:
Why don’t I want to be in a relationship?
Theres this guy on Facebook; I asked him out and he said yes, and now I feel like I’m not good enough for him. Many people told me that no one will ever like me. I feel like it really effected me some how. I’m always pushing people away; like friends and family . What should I do?
My Response:
Dear pushing away;
I don’t know who you are talking to or what type of friends you are hanging out with, but it’s not very nice of them to tell you that you will never meet anyone. You obviously have, and you actually had the confidence to ask him out and he said yes. So stop worrying about what others have told you and gain that confidence back. Sometimes we push people away because we are scared to loose them, so it feels easier to push them away before they get too close. But honestly, this doesn’t fix anything. It doesn’t stop from feeling whatever it is you’re going to feel. Life is a journey and there are lessons to be learned, but it makes us who we are. Go out with this guy and take a chance.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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