She gets the guy. Image found on flickr.com
The Question:
How can I stop this old man from marrying my sister?
My sister just turned 19 when her and I went to a club. I am 32. 31 at the time we went. I saw this guy who was my age there and tried to get him to dance. Instead we just talked. As I came back from the ladies room I saw my sister chatting it up with him and they were smiling then dancing. He is my age. Wth.
My sister works as an aerobics instructor and gets passes from guys her age all the time. This man works as an artist and personal trainer and is not rich. A virgin too from what I heard. He is like a kid in a comic shop. But a big body builder guy while my young sister is a petite girl.
Now they are getting married and living together in his apartment. He lives in an apartment when someone his age should have a house at least.
I just got out of a marriage and I am looking. Where have all the good men gone?
My Response:
Dear Older Sister;
Your sister is a grown women. I understand that he is 13 years older than her but that doesn’t have anything to do with you. Even if you don’t agree with the situation, there is nothing you can do. Just because the man doesn’t own a house doesn’t mean he won’t be a good provider or husband. There are many men who are older that don’t own a house.
This sounds like you are trying to come up with excuses because you may be a bit jealous that he chose your sister instead of you. Have you tried talking to your sister? Talk to her and tell her how you feel. If the guy is a virgin then maybe he’s religious or waiting for the right person to come along. Is it strange? Yes, it is especially since he’s a personal trainer, but we don’t know the true reasons behind him still being a virgin. (If this is true.) Talk to your sister and tell her how you feel, but remember she’s a grown women and she can make her own decisions. You may have to accept this new found marriage.
It sounds like you need to get out there on your own. Just because this guy ended up with your sister doesn’t mean that all the good men are gone. Besides, you just said he’s a virgin… do you really want a guy who is still a virgin at your age? Find a real man and move on. But remember your sister will always be your sister.
kristin nicole
Question found on Yahoo.com
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