I had someone write to me once about their relationship, how it ended and how it began, and she wanted me to write a poem that described her relationship. SO…. Here it is, let me know what you think….
Broken in Two
I loved you with words unsaid
I loved you until you cheated in my bed
I loved you for all the wrong reasons
I loved you for all the right feelings
I loved you for what you didn’t say
for all the lies you made
You looked at me with truth
I didn’t see the real you
You were a liar and a fake
you cheated on me and that was your biggest mistake
I tried to forgive you
I tried to ignore the truth
I was blinded by an image that wasn’t me and you
you took my heart
you played it like a string on a guitar
you said you loved me
but the truth was you only loved yourself
you lied to yourself
made everything bigger than it was
pretended to be happy
lost without a doubt
one day the light turned on
and you knew you couldn’t pretend anymore
you fought it but you had to say it out loud
our relationship was a blur
as if it was never true
i wish it weren’t because it would have been easier to forget you.
When i moved on
you wanted me back
it was too late
you have to face the facts,
you fucked up
and there’s no turning back.
now i see you and you pretend to be happy
but i know you
you never changed
you can put on an act
pretend to be happy
pretend nothing in the world will break you
but we both know the truth
you’re broken in two
the person i once knew
and the new you
you can put on a smile
you can move forward in life
but deep down inside you’ll never be you
you will always be the broken man i once knew.
kristin nicole
© 2012 kristin nicole
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